about us

analytics consultina

statistical consulting specializing in

Data driven solutions

for research projects in private, public and academia

Founded by a professional PhD (Bio)Statistician specializing in providing analytical services to researchers that want to turn data into useful information. With the advent of video conferencing platforms such as Zoom, seeing smiles of researchers and managers in their homes, campus residences, offices and hospitals across Africa and beyond is usually the order of his day and night shifts. This includes collaboration in publications. He is an enthusiast of R programming and enjoys providing solutions to the R community around the globe. As such, he writes R macros for biostatistics production, that is, automation of publication ready plots as well as tables that R will then send to Excel spreadsheet.

He is a humble and very friendly expert that believes in respecting clients and their needs. By that, almost everyone simply calls him Tina. However, when he springs into action, doing what he knows best from as simple as surveys to more technical such as industrial production lines, laboratories and biomedical data, he is a professional data scientist who strictly observes the professional ethics within the client's field including anonymity and data privacy.


To become the analytics powerhouse for research projects, ensuring the success of every researcher whilst increasing research productivity in every institution and providing insights that create business opportunities in the corporate world through data-driven solutions.

Mission Statement

To accelerate knowledge discovery by bringing the latest and affordable data science tools to all researchers enabling them to unravel the beauty and uniqueness in every data storytelling within the shortest possible time. In the corporate world alike, provide cost effective insights coupled with routine task automation in the business operations.  

  1. We understand that researchers and managers alike in the corporate world often work long hours that extend into the late evening. Our business hours also stretch accordingly to power up the night studies till 22H00, see more details.
  2. With our well organized scheduling system, we are able to interact with a large community of researchers across Africa and beyond through a free contact form (any time) and an online booking page for Zoom sessions.  
  3. Book Appointment online to reserve a time slot(s) convenient to you for a Zoom meeting to discuss your request. New clients enjoy their very first 15 minutes free of charge. It is encouraged that the first meeting be free of charge and new clients are advised to be well prepared with all the details at hand for the maximum utilization of the 15 minutes. 
  4. May also SEND US A MESSAGE using our online quick contact form highlighting the requests including deadlines. We will definitely respond with the way forward. WhatsApp or calls are also acceptable.

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, our services are heavily relying on the Zoom platform and it is encouraged that every NEW client have one real time free of charge 15 minute session with the statistician.


  1. Upon the assessment of the work, a quotation is e-mailed and once confirmed, the job card is actioned immediately taking note of the deadline. An invoice will be e-mailed to signify work completion. A deposit is optional. However, due to the nature of tutorial work and other services similarly delivered, deposits may be required as per the quotation.
  2. Biomedical and similar technical data analysis may require at least one Zoom meeting to set up the data alongside the researcher. Extra Zoom sessions are common for clarification purposes and are free of charge.
  3. Depending on the data cleanliness, the type of results required and work load, the efficiency of data science tools can allow us to potentially deliver the results in just under 8 hours. 
  4. If the write-up of the results interpretation is not requested, quantitative data analysis results are delivered in the latest standards of publication ready tables and graphs while qualitative data analysis results are delivered in the most convenient format. 
  5. All revisions are free of charge.
 Corporate world
  1. Upon the assessment of the work, the focus will be on presenting the business analytics solution based on sample data provided by the organization. Having been a senior production technician in a heavy engineering environment, automating reports for internal and several external clients on a weekly and monthly basis, noted were the immense benefits realized by both the internal and external clients from this added value. As such, at Analytics Consultina we focus on first giving the experience of the data science tools.    
  2. A programming code will be written and tested prior to the delivery to the client for a trial run.
  3. Depending on the business operations, the business analytics solution may be trial run on the past reports. Our business analytics solution will generate new reports in parallel with the existing client system for a specified period of time. 
  4. Once the client is satisfied, then a quotation is e-mailed. Take note that we thrive to provide cost effective business analytics solutions and having experienced the trial business analytics solution, the quotations are almost always irresistible.
  5. For peace of mind, we prefer keeping all the client data within the organizational boundaries and as such all our solutions are completely offline.  

The hive of activity on campus can create either historical exciting moments or stressful episodes due to pressure from tight research project deadlines. It is mandatory that every university has to produce high calibre graduates who on completion, should have either partially or fully demonstrated the ability to conduct a research project that gears them up for the real world challenges. Whether it is an individual or a group project, students are required to collect some data to eventually prepare an evidence-based or data-driven report. The research objectives and questions inform the kind of data to be collected. Having known the kind of data, informs on how best to design the data collection tool which then determines the data quality. In turn, the data variables inform of the most appropriate data science tools needed to transform the data into meaningful information from which conclusions will be drawn about a phenomenon under investigation. It is with no doubt that the research project findings are valid only if they are data-driven. Being data-driven strongly calls for a data scientist (so-called statistician) skills to unleash patterns in the data. Data science (statistics + coding) is an art in its own right and a quick online search for minimum qualifications of a data scientist will likely show a masters degree at entry level. This missing link between researchers and data scientists is often overlooked and explains the frustration among some of the researchers and why they usually take unnecessarily long and winding journeys to the dream graduation day. At Analytics Consultina, we work alongside researchers at all levels up to PhD, making the research experience as exciting as possible by providing all the statistical services at student prices from protocol or proposal development including the designing of the data collection tool to data capturing, data analysis and the interpretation of the results.

Why in the first place a dataset is needed for every research project?

Every dataset is entangled with complex patterns that tell the story about the past, present and future states of the phenomenon under investigation. Unravelling the beauty of the data story is what defines the quality of a research project and its contribution to the body of knowledge as well as its standing on the international arena. Data storytelling is an art that if well mastered, has the potential to better change the course of livelihoods of human kind for today’s decision-making processes are almost entirely data-driven. Hence, without bringing the mastery of all-round data science tools into the entire research process, not only does it take much longer to complete the project, the incredible facts behind the collected dataset will likely remain untold to the fullest. Hence, the lack of the full comprehension and incorporation of data science tools into the research process is one of the main reasons that a dissertation, thesis or submitted article is likely to be unattractive for the approval stamp.

At Analytics Consultina we understand that a ground breaking research project is one that does not simply try to reproduce work similar to the previous studies, for the tools used then might have been the best only at that time and probably looked at another angle. We thrive to apply the latest data science tools and treat each dataset as unique, for the narrative of its distinctive characteristics is the break of the new dawn for ushering new knowledge about a phenomenon under investigation.

What can be frustrating when trying to analyze the data?

The common notion is that a researcher will have to install a statistical software a few days prior to the actual data analysis and yet it requires a minimum of a master’s degree coupled with some experience in order to be comfortably acquainted with the dynamics of data science. In response to the proliferation in technology, data science is an ever-evolving subject in which the most beautiful data storytelling techniques are told by the capabilities of the latest developments in data science. Nevertheless, researchers expect the best out of their data collection efforts without bringing a data scientist into the equation. Note that we are using the term “data science” instead of just “statistics” because when it comes to data analysis, the actual process is well beyond the statistical techniques alone. It is not surprising why some researchers who have not been given the opportunity to acquire the data science skills become frustrated when attempting to use common statistical software. Statistical software is just one of the pieces in the data analysis puzzle. In almost all the cases, an interdisciplinary skill set (data science) is required and that includes statistical programming for shaping up the data into position, a mandatory step for allowing the efficient squeezing out of the “juice” from the data.

At Analytics Consultina, we strongly believe in statistical programming as it gives the flexibility to explore datasets of any complexity. In addition, this allows the re-imagining of data-driven solutions, for as long as the Earth keeps on turning, so are the increased interweaved patterns in the generated data.

How to hustle free get the most out of the research data analysis?

In the midst of all the challenges faced by researchers in trying to unknowingly deal with the data science demands, it then stands to reason that a dedicated centre or hub is of paramount importance to provide statistical consulting services for the entire university. Not only does it eliminates the hustles and streamlines all the statistical aspects in the research process, it leaves the researcher with enough time to concentrate on the content pertaining to their own field other than data science related, which is a step ahead in producing the research output of the highest standard. More so, the wide spread application of data science tools across the entire university oils the wheels of research productivity for the institution.

At the fingertips of all the university students across Africa and beyond is Analytics Consultina to simplify the research process and make campus life a memorable one for researchers. All the services are provided in the comfort of any location in the world as we will Zoom into your country, home or campus residence. Simply share your statistical challenges and we will definitely respond with the way forward.

Business Analytics

Capturing some data into Excel spreadsheets everyday?

Almost every business has some form of record keeping in practice. Among other platforms, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets are widely used for this purpose. However, the reasons why such datasets are captured on a daily basis vary from one organization to the next. Hence, the structure of the data capturing template becomes crucial in order to serve its purpose. It is with no doubt that every organization would like to fully utilize every opportunity presented by the captured data to maximize their profits. The planning of how efficiently the daily business information will be captured triggers the need for a data scientist foresight.

At Analytics Consultina, we look at how each business would like the story of their captured data to unfold and help with the re-designing of the spreadsheets whilst paving the way for the sought-after data science tools.

Still creating reports or some form of summary from Excel spreadsheets manually?

Every organization longs for efficiency in its processes and the reporting system is with no exception. With the Excel spreadsheets being mostly the primary form in which the daily records are stored, often involved are workbooks and multiple sheets. Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly reports are the order of the business and often a painstaking process. To date, very few organizations have realized that in essence they are grappling with data science dynamics each time they capture some information into spreadsheets and consequently trying to make sense out of it. Hence it is not surprising that most of the reports that are frequently required are produced manually - which is time consuming and prone to errors that may see one staying late at night in the office trying to figure out the problems.

At Analytics Consultina, we also work alongside organizations bringing data science tools to business operations. This includes automation of the routine tasks enabling efficiency in the business operations as well as allowing literally any team member to understand business performance from a vast number of spreadsheets.

Is your organization aware that the latest and most powerful data science tools are as affordable as the Microsoft Excel spreadsheets?

Optimizing business operations is one of the key strategies in an organization. Attractive and powerful as they are, the cost of implementing data science tools has since been nose diving with recent developments seeing it being comparable to just acquiring Microsoft Excel.

At Analytics Consultina we use one of the most powerful and open source data science tools in the world, a statistical computing software called R. We also understand the issues of data privacy. In addition to the very low cost data science tools, R works completely offline keeping all the client data within their premises. Our strengths in business analytics lie in macros that give us the ability to program all the routine steps for producing reports or monitoring charts. After updating all the information in their respective spreadsheets and as may be required, the goal of our services in business analytics is to turn either hours or days' work into results with efficiency - one click. In addition, data science tools come with the state of the art visuals that allow viewing business performance and opportunities from a different angle. We allow our clients to run our trial macros in parallel with their existing reporting systems. Once realized, the experience of incorporating data science into business analytics has always been irresistible and second to none. Giving our clients the experience is always our number one priority and sitting down on the table to discuss the unbeatable prices comes next.